Documentary Films Production

As part of its activities, Japan Desk Scotland makes documentary films, except ‘St Kilda Tapes in Tohoku’ which was produced by JDS but was made by David Allison.

You can watch the majority of these documentaries on the homepage of Moving Image Archive, National Library of Scotland. You can find below each video’s link to online watching..


(1) ‘St Kilda Tapes in Tohoku


(2) ‘Our friends in Fukushima‘ (40 mins)

To view this video on the homepage of Moving Image Archive, National Library of Scotland, please click here.

(3) ‘Our Scotland: a Japanese perspective (34 mins)

To view this video on the homepage of Moving Image Archive, National Library of Scotland, please click here.

(4) ‘Hiroshima in 2013‘ (22 mins), which was revised as ‘Hiroshima after Fukushima‘ (22 mins) in 2018.

To view this video on the homepage of Moving Image Archive, National Library of Scotland, please click here.


(5) ‘100 Bq/Kg, 0.23 μSv/h: The standard of living in Fukushima‘ (43 mins)

To view this video on the homepage of Moving Image Archive, National Library of Scotland, please click here.

(6) ‘The bird, the tree, the bell and the fish of Glasgow‘ (33 mins)

To view this video on the homepage of Moving Image Archive, National Library of Scotland, please click here.

(7) ‘Yawata Primary, Soma City, Fukushima‘ (5 mins)

To view this video on the homepage of Moving Image Archive, National Library of Scotland, please click here.

(8) ‘Our Japan: Bucharest students’ views  (32 mins)

To view this video on the homepage of Moving Image Archive, National Library of Scotland, please click here.

(9) ‘Live a tradition in Maramureş, Romania‘ (26 mins)

To view this video on the homepage of Moving Image Archive, National Library of Scotland, please click here.


(10) ‘Make Peace in the Philippines‘ (43 mins)

To view this video on the homepage of Moving Image Archive, National Library of Scotland, please click here.

(11) ‘Here and there in Fukushima‘ (48 mins)

To view this video on the homepage of Moving Image Archive, National Library of Scotland, please click here.

(12) ‘From Ehime to Bucharest‘ (14 mins)

(13) ‘Action for peace – Sally Beaumont‘ (23 mins)

To view this video on the homepage of Moving Image Archive, National Library of Scotland, please click here.

(14) Teaching English in Japan – Carolyn Biggs (22 mins).

To view this video on the homepage of Moving Image Archive, National Library of Scotland, please click here.

(15) ‘Christianity is about relationship, hope … Rev Bruce Keeble‘ (26 mins).

To view this video on the homepage of Moving Image Archive, National Library of Scotland, please click here.

(16) Multicultural cakes – Mayuko’s Kitchen‘ (19 mins).

To view this video on the homepage of Moving Image Archive, National Library of Scotland, please click here.

(17) ‘Glasgow West Housing Association: an unofficial story‘ (41 mins)

To view this video on the homepage of Moving Image Archive, National Library of Scotland, please click here.


(18) ‘Fukushima: 2011-2015‘ (74 mins)

To view this video on the homepage of Moving Image Archive, National Library of Scotland, please click here.

(19) ‘Inoru (Pray) – Shinji and Setsuko Kuroda‘ (74 mins)

(20) ‘Sophie’s Glasgow’ (10 mins)

To view this video on the homepage of Moving Image Archive, National Library of Scotland, please click here.

(21) ‘The Economics of Scottish Independence: Prof Brian Ashcroft, August 2016‘ (38 mins)

To view this video on the homepage of Moving Image Archive, National Library of Scotland, please click here.

(22) ‘The Clyde made Glasgow – John Fyfe Anderson‘ (31 mins)

To view this video on the homepage of Moving Image Archive, National Library of Scotland, please click here.

(23) ‘Japanese isn’t English‘ (14 mins)

To view this video on the homepage of Moving Image Archive, National Library of Scotland, please click here.

(24) ‘Hope – Rev Dr Norman Shanks‘ (15 mins)

To view this video on the homepage of Moving Image Archive, National Library of Scotland, please click here.


(25) ‘Equality and Equity at Scottish School – Andrew Robson‘ (14 mins)

To view this video on the homepage of Moving Image Archive, National Library of Scotland, please click here.

(26) ‘Borders in Fukushima – July 2016’ (65 mins)

To view this video on the homepage of Moving Image Archive, National Library of Scotland, please click here.

(27) ‘Design Kimono – Koji YOSHIE’ (28 mins)

To view this video on the homepage of Moving Image Archive, National Library of Scotland, please click here.


(28) ‘Evacuation Order in Fukushima – July 2017’ (67 mins)

To view this video on the homepage of Moving Image Archive, National Library of Scotland, please click here.

(4)’ ‘Hiroshima after Fukushima (22 mins), which is a revised version of ‘Hiroshima in 2013 (2013, 22 mins)

To view this video on the homepage of Moving Image Archive, National Library of Scotland, please click here.


(29) ‘Seven Years After – Fukushima in July 2018’ (65 mins)

To view this video on the homepage of Moving Image Archive, National Library of Scotland, please click here.

(30) ‘Live a librarian – Sheila Craik’ (18 mins)

To view this video on the homepage of Moving Image Archive, National Library of Scotland, please click here.

(31) ‘Remember Lt. Jack M. Young – Ken Fyfe’ (13 mins)

To view this video on the homepage of Moving Image Archive, National Library of Scotland, please click here.

(32) ‘Teach English in Japan – Sheona MacAulay’ (25 Mins)

To view this video on the homepage of Moving Image Archive, National Library of Scotland, please click here.

(33) ‘Teach Scottish Country Dance in Scotland – Atsuko Clement‘ (38 mins)

To view this video on the homepage of Moving Image Archive, National Library of Scotland, please click here.

(34) ‘Pipe organs explained – Alan Kitchen’ (35 mins)

To view this video on the homepage of Moving Image Archive, National Library of Scotland, please click here.

(35) ‘Equity at Scottish School – Lois Lurinsky‘ (22 mins)

To view this video on the homepage of Moving Image Archive, National Library of Scotland, please click here.


(36) ‘Fukushima: Radiation map and Evacuation‘ (65 mins)

To view this video on the homepage of Moving Image Archive, National Library of Scotland, please click here.

(37) ‘Rehabilitate Tomioka, Fukushima‘ (70 mins)

To view this video on the homepage of Moving Image Archive, National Library of Scotland, please click here.


(38) ‘Environmental Radioactivity  Fukushima July 2019 (90 mins)

To view this video on the homepage of Moving Image Archive, National Library of Scotland, please click here.


(39) ‘Fukushima July 2022’ (90 mins)


(40) ’12 Years After – Fukushima in 2023′ (56 mins)


JDS has shown its documentaries as part of its workshop on Japan or one on Scotland.

Fukushima documentaries have been  shown at annual events to mark the anniversary of the East Japan Earthquake since 2013.

In addition, JDS has organised events primarily to show its documentaries.

● 2014: ‘Fukushima, Hiroshima, Fukushima’

Venue: Interfaith Room, University of Glasgow Chaplaincy, Glasgow, Scotland

Wednesday 30 April: ‘‘Our friends in Fukushima’ (40 mins)

Thursday 1 May: Hiroshima in 2013’ (22 mins)

Friday 2 May: ‘100 Bq/Kg, 0.23 μSv/h: The standard of living in Fukushima‘ (43 mins)

● 2015: 

◻︎’Fukushima, Hiroshima, Fukushima’

Venue:  University of Strathclyde Chaplaincy Centre, Glasgow, Scotland

Thursday 23 April: ‘Our friends in Fukushima(2013) and Hiroshima in 2013‘ (2013)

Friday 24 April: ’100 Bq/Kg, 0.23 μSv/h: The standard of living in Fukushima’ (2014) and ‘Here and there in Fukushima‘ (2015)

This was part of of Japan@Strathclyde 2014/15.

◻︎ ‘Here and there (7 documentaries)

Venue: Interfaith Room, University of Glasgow Chaplaincy, Glasgow, Scotland

Tuesday 9 June 2015: views on other cultures with ‘Our Scotland: A Japanese perspective‘ (2013) and ‘Our Japan: Bucharest students’ views‘(2014)

Wednesday 10 June 2015: legends and traditions with ‘The bird, the tree, the bell and the fish of Glasgow‘ (2014) and ‘Live a tradition in Maramureş, Romania‘ (2014)

Thursday 11 June 2015: peace in different contexts with ‘Hiroshima in 2013‘ (2013), ‘Make peace in the Philippines‘ (2015) and ‘Here and there in Fukushima‘(2015)

This was part of the West End Festival.

2016: Intangible legacies

Venue: Interfaith Room, University of Glasgow Chaplaincy, Glasgow, Scotland

Tuesday 14 June 2016: Christian values with ‘Action for Peace – Sally Beaumont’ (2015), ‘Christianity is about relationship, hope…Rev Bruce Keeble‘ (2015) and ‘The bird, the tree, the bell and the fish of Glasgow’ (2014)

Wednesday 15 June 2016: Housing with ‘Glasgow West Housing Association: an unofficial story‘ (2015) and ‘Live a tradition in Maramureş, Romania‘ (2014)

Thursday 16 June 2016: Fukushima with ‘Fukushima: 2011-15‘ (2016)

This was part of the West End Festival.

2017: Inclusive Glasgow – Documentaries

Venue: Interfaith Room, University of Glasgow Chaplaincy, Glasgow, Scotland

Monday 19 June: Inclusive aspects of Scottish society with ‘Our Scotland: A Japanese perspective‘ (2013) and ‘Equality and Equity at Scottish School – Andrew Robson‘ (2017)

Tuesday 20 June: Live a tradition with ‘Live a tradition in Maramureş, Romania‘ (2014) and ‘Design Kimono – Koji YOSHIE‘ (2017)

Wednesday 21 June: Glasgow’s legacies with ‘The bird, the tree, the bell and the fish of Glasgow‘ (2014) and ‘The Clyde made Glasgow – John Fyfe Anderson‘ (2016)

Thursday 22 June: Inter-cultural understanding with ‘Japanese isn’t English‘ (2016), ‘Hope – Rev Dr Norman Shanks‘ (2016) and ‘Christianity is about relationship, hope…Rev Bruce Keeble’ (2016)

Friday 23 June: Fukushima with ‘Fukushima: 2011-2015‘ (2016) and ‘Borders in Fukushima – July 2016’ (2017)

This was part of the West End Festival.

 2017/18Japanese Journeys

Venue: Moving Image Archive, National Library of Scotland, Kelvin Hall, Glasgow, Scotland

11 October 2017: ‘Our Scotland: A Japanese perspective‘ (2013)

29 November 2017: ‘Our friends in Fukushima‘ (2013)

20 December 2017: ‘The bird, the tree, the bell and the fish of Glasgow‘ (2014)

24 January 2018: ‘Design Kimono – Koji YOSHIE‘ (2017)

21 February 2018: ‘The Clyde made Glasgow – John Fyfe Anderson‘ (2016)

18 April 2018: ‘Fukushima: 2011-2015‘ (2016)

16 May 2018: ‘Hiroshima in 2013‘ (2013) and ‘Make peace in the Philippines‘ (2015)

13 June 2018: ‘Japanese isn’t English’ (2016), ‘Yawata Primary, Soma City, Fukushima‘ (2014), ‘Sophie’s Glasgow‘ (2016) and ‘Equality and Equity at Scottish School – Andrew Robson‘ (2017)


◻︎ ‘Hope – Documentaries

Venue: University of Glasgow Memorial Chapel, Glasgow, Scotland

11 June: ‘Hope – Rev Dr Norman Shanks‘ (2016) and ‘Christianity is about relationship, hope…Rev Bruce Keeble‘ (2015)

12 June: ‘The bird, the tree, the bell and the fish of Glasgow‘ (2014)

13 June: ‘Evacuation Order in Fukushima – July 2017‘ (2018)

This was part of the West End Festival.

◻︎’Hope – six documentaries

Venue: University of Glasgow Memorial Chapel, Glasgow, Scotland

23 October: ‘Our Scotland: A Japanese perspective‘ (2013), ‘Action for Peace – Sally Beaumont‘ (2015), ‘Christianity is about relationship, hope…Rev Bruce Keeble‘ (2015), ‘Hope – Rev Dr Norman Shanks‘ (2016), ‘The bird, the tree, the bell and the fish of Glasgow‘ (2014) and ‘Fukushima: 2011-2015‘ (2016).

2018/19: ‘Japanese Craft Documentaries’ 

Venue: Moving Image Archive, National Library of Scotland, Kelvin Hall, Glasgow, Scotland

14 November 2018: ‘Our Scotland; A Japanese perspective‘ and ‘The bird, the tree, the bell and the fish of Glasgow

12 December 2018: ‘Evacuation Order in Fukushima – July 2017

9 January 2019: ‘Design Kimono – Koji Yoshie‘ and ‘Live a tradition in Maramureș, Romania

13 February 2019: ‘Hiroshima after Fukushima‘ and ‘Make Peace in the Philippines

2019: ‘Japanese Craft Documentaries’

Venue: University of Glasgow Chaplaincy, Glasgow, Scotland

4 June 2019: ‘Design Kimono – koji Yoshie’, ‘Seven Years After – Fukushima in July 2018‘, ‘Live a librarian – Sheila Craik‘, ‘Remember Lt. Jack Young – Ken Fyfe‘, ‘The bird, the tree, the bell and the fish of Glasgow‘ and ‘Hiroshima after Fukushima

11 October 2019: ‘Our Scotland; A Japanese perspective‘ and ‘The bird, the tree, the bell and the fish of Glasgow

18 October 2019: ‘Seven Years After – Fukushima in July 2018’

25 October 2019: ‘Fukushima: 2011-2015’ and ‘Hiroshima after Fukushima

2019/20: ‘Voices heard (documentaries)

6 November 2019: ‘Live a librarian – Sheila Craik‘ (2019), ‘Remember Lt. Jack M. Young – Ken Fyfe‘ (2019), and ‘Action for Peace – Sally Beaumont‘ (2015)

18 December 2019: ‘Teach Scottish Country Dance in Scotland – Atsuko Clement‘ (2019) and ‘Teach English in Japan – Sheona MacAulay‘ (2019)

15 January 2020: ‘Design Kimono – Koji Yoshie‘ (2017) and ‘Live a tradition in Maramureş, Romania‘ (2014)

26 February 2020: ‘Seven Years After – Fukushima in July 2018‘ (2019)