‘Rehabilitate Tomioka, Fukushima’

Please click here to view this documentary from the homepage of Moving Image Archive, National Library of Scotland.




This is Japan Desk Scotland’s ninth Fukushima documentary.

JDS made its first Fukushima documentary, ‘Our friends in Fukushima‘ (2013), primarily to record activities and thoughts of those Fukushima University academic staffs who voluntarily measured environmental radiation of Fukushima Prefecture except the 20km radius evacuation zone and made the first evacuation map based on actually measured radiation level.

This ninth Fukushima documentary follows Kencho Kawatsu, one of those engaged in the making of the radiation map. He introduced to us Tomioka Town, one of the municipalities where their all residents were evacuated after the nuclear accident, including staff members of Tomioka Town office, Ryo Sugimoto and Norihito Harada. Through our interviews with them and their guided tour of Tomioka, including the ‘Difficult-to-Return’ zone, in 2017, 2018 and 2019, we followed the process of rehabilitation work. Kawatsu also guided us as Convenor of Tomioka Town’s Decontamination Verification Committee. In addition, Seiji Ozawa, Deputy Director General, Fukushima Office for Environmental Restoration, the Ministry of the Environment, provided his thoughts on his tasks.

Interviewed guests in order of appearance: Kencho Kawatsu, Seiji Ozawa, Ryo Sugimoto, and Norihito Harada


Camera: Fumi Nakabachi
Music: Oli Jan
Directed and edited by: Yushin Toda
Producer: Fumi Nakabachi and Yushin Toda
70 minutes
In Japanese with English subtitles
©2020 Japan Desk Scotland


This is part of Japan Desk Scotland’s documentary films production.

This has been screened on:

(1) Sunday 13 March 2022 at Wellington Church, Glasgow, Scotland.