Japan workshops in 2023

In 2023, Japan Desk Scotland ran workshops on Japan in Scotland. The workshops from January to March and from August to December were supported by grants from the Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation.

● 23 January: Cumbernauld Academy, North Lanarkshire, Scotland, the Japanese Club and for the Superheroes class on the theme of Japanese New Year;

● 10 February: St Mark’s Primary School, Hamilton, South Lanarkshire, Scotland,  a workshop on Japan for P4/5 class, including the screening of JDS’s  ‘Yawata Primary, Soma City, Fukushima‘;

● 20 February: Cumbernauld Academy, North Lanarkshire, Scotland, the Japanese Club on the theme of ‘snow monkey’;

● 23 February: Strathblane Primary School, Stirling, Scotland, a workshop on Japan for a P6 class, including the screening of JDS’s  ‘Yawata Primary, Soma City, Fukushima‘;

● 3 March: Hillhead Primary School, Glasgow, Scotland, Taiko workshops at Wellington Church for three P5 classes;

● 13 March; Fordbank Primary School, Renfrshire, Scotland, workshop on Hiroshima for a P7 class, including the screening of JDS’s ‘Hiroshima after Fukushima’;

● 20 March: Cumbernauld Academy, North Lanarkshire, Scotland, the Japanese Club and for the Superheroes class on the theme of ‘hanami’;

● On Tuesdays from 24 January to 4 April, the ‘Calligraphy as Meditation’ session was held at Prayer and Reflection room, University of Glasgow Chaplaincy, Glasgow, Scotland;

● 20 and 27 April and 4 May: Hillhead Primary School, Glasgow, Scotland, origami workshops for three P1 classes; and

● 24 April: Cumbernauld Academy, North Lanarkshire, Scotland, the Japanese Club on the theme of a teacxher’s visit to Japan’;

● 10 May: Holytown Primary School, North Lanarkshire, Scotland, a workshop on Japan for a P5/6 class, including the screening of JDS’s  ‘Yawata Primary, Soma City, Fukushima‘;

● 18 May: Victoria Park Primary School, Dundee, Scotland, a workshop on Japan for a P6 class;

● 22 May: Cumbernauld Academy, North Lanarkshire, Scotland, the Japanese Club and a workshop on Japan for Super heroes Class, on the theme of flowers in spring;

● 12 June: Cumbernauld Academy, North Lanarkshire, Scotland, the Japanese Club and a workshop on Japan for Super heroes Class, on the theme of Japanese foods;

● On Tuesdays from 25 April to 20 June, the ‘Calligraphy as Meditation’ session was held at Prayer and Reflection room, University of Glasgow Chaplaincy, Glasgow, Scotland;

● 2 October: Cumbernauld Academy, North Lanarkshire, Scotland, the Japanese Club and a workshop on Japan for Super heroes Class, on the theme of ‘purity Japanese way’;

● 20 November: Cumbernauld Academy, North Lanarkshire, Scotland, the Japanese Club and a workshop on Japan for Super heroes Class, on the theme of ‘chopsticks’;

● 23 November: Riverbank Primary School, North Lanarkshire, Scotland, a workshop on Japan for a P7 class, including the screening of JDS’s  ‘Yawata Primary, Soma City, Fukushima‘;

● On Tuesdays from 1 August  to 5 December, the ‘Calligraphy as Meditation’ session was held at Prayer and Reflection room, University of Glasgow Chaplaincy, Glasgow, Scotland;

● 8 December: University of Glasgow Memorial Chapel, Glasgow, Scotland, “Calligraphy, Origami and Colouring as Meditation’ as part of Students’ Representative Council’s “De-Stress’ activities during the exam period;

● 11 December: Cumbernauld Academy, North Lanarkshire, Scotland, the Japanese Club and a workshop on Japan for Super heroes Class, on the theme of ‘Christmas in Japan’; and

● 12 December: Prayer and Reflection Room, University of Glasgow Chaplaincy, Glasgow, Scotland, “Calligraphy, Origami and Colouring as Meditation’ as part of Students’ Representative Council’s “De-Stress’ activities during the exam period.