● Wednesday 30 October 2024, 6pm: ‘The Lotus Club: Japanese Documentary Series’ at National Library of Scotland at Kelvin Hall, Glasgow, Scotland. Japan Desk Scotland’s three documentaries will screened: ‘Action for peace – Sally Beaumont‘ (2015, 23 mins), ‘Remember Lt. Jack M. Young – Ken Fyfe‘ (2019, 13 mins), and ‘Live a librarian – Sheila Craik’ (2019, 28 mins). Screening will be followed by a discussion. Free but ticketed.
● Wednesday 27 November 2024, 6pm: The Lotus Club: Japanese Documentary Series’ at National Library of Scotland at Kelvin Hall, Glasgow, Scotland. Japan Desk Scotland’s 11th Fukushima documentary, ‘Fukushima July 2022′ (2023, 90 mins) will be screened. Screening will be followed by a discussion. Free but ticketed.